Friday, January 9, 2009

A brief bio

ANTHONY BUCCINO has published seven books including three poetry collections AMERICAN BOY: Pushing Sixty, Voices On The Bus and One Morning In Jersey City.

His poem Ten Minutes was honorable mention in the 2009 Allen Ginsberg Poetry Awards. His poem Hands In Socks was named Editor's Choice in the 2008 Allen Ginsberg Poetry Awards.

His poems appear in Celebrating William Carlos Williams and The Poetry of Place: North Jersey in Poetry; The American Voice in Poetry: the Legacy of Whitman, Williams, and Ginsberg;

And these literary journals:

CHEST, the Journal of the American College of Chest Physicians; Edison Literary Review; Journal of New Jersey Poets; Medusa’s Kitchen; MEWS; More Sweet Lemons; PowWow Review; Rattlesnake Review (Poetry With Fangs); Raving Dove; The Idiom; The Poem Factory; Up And Under; and Voices in Italian Americana.